RJ Matthews
White Lightning
White Lightning
Equus Now! Columbus
8956 Cotter Street
Lewis Center OH 43035
United States
Equus Now! Cincinnati
420 Wards Corner Road
Suite D
Loveland OH 45140
United States
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* The solution to fungal infections is right here!
* Gets into the nooks and crannies of the hoof to thoroughly clean it out
* Safe
* Clinically proven to fight your horse's worst enemies
* Recommended and used by farriers and veterinarians
* Made in the USA
What is White Lightning?
White Lightning® equine hoof treatment is the active chlorine dioxide (ClO2) solution, which has been shown to be very aggressive in neutralizing bacteria, fungus and yeast. When combined with equal parts white vinegar, White Lightning eliminates hoof rot, thrush, scratches, white line disease and other skin fungus on contact in horses, pigs and cattle.
Why use White Lightning?
Creates an environment hostile to bacteria and fungal growths. The chlorine in White Lightning helps remove the biofilm of bacteria and fungus to take away their defenses. This leaves fungus, thrush– and white line disease–causing organisms vulnerable to oxygen, which may kill them. Because White Lightning works so quickly, these organisms may not have time to adapt and become resistant.
Is White Lightning safe?
Yes! Won't harm healthy, live tissue. Plus, it's up to seven times more effective than chlorine bleach.
Activate Liquid formula by mixing with equal amounts of white vinegar in a non–metal container; stays active for up to 8 hours. For hoof soak, combine 2 oz White Lightning, 2 oz white vinegar and enough water to cover half way up the hoof capsule. Insert hoof in Disposable Soak Bag (sold separately) or heavy plastic bag to contain the chlorine dioxide gas and secure top to prevent leakage. For best results, keep hoof contained for 40–45 minutes. Repeat 2–3 times per week for 4–6 weeks, then 1–2 times weekly until hoof has grown out completely. Use once a month thereafter to help keep white line disease away. Important notes: do not mix more than you're going to use at one time. Best if used on unshod animals on soft ground and protected from pawing. Protect from freezing.
8 ounce bottle