Visit Our Retail Stores

Shop our huge selection of quality products at great prices! Known for our exceptional customer service, customers are sure to leave feeling confident and satisfied. Our knowledgeable staff can assist anyone from beginners to professionals, offering the most classic styles as well as upcoming trends. We look forward to going the extra mile for you!

Columbus Area Store

Equus Now!
8956 Cotter St
Lewis Center OH 43035

Located in the Green Meadows Commerce Center, directly off Polaris Parkway (Route 750) 2 Miles West of the Polaris Fashion Mall

Monday through Friday: 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday: 12 pm - 4 pm

Cincinnati Area Store

Equus Now!
420 Wards Corner Rd Suite D
Loveland OH 45140

Monday through Friday: 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday: 12 pm - 4 pm