Equiderma Thrush Treatment
Equiderma Thrush Treatment
Equus Now! Columbus
8956 Cotter Street
Lewis Center OH 43035
United States
Equus Now! Cincinnati
420 Wards Corner Road
Suite D
Loveland OH 45140
United States
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Our formula works like magic on thrush & whiteline disease. This broad-spectrum formula gets the job done fast, predictably, reliably, and painlessly. Simply apply to a clean hoof and scrub in with the brush end of a hoof pick.
- The ingredients within this formula are specifically designed to attack and eradicate the bacterial and fungal infections that cause Thrush and Whiteline disease. You will begin to see signs of improvement inside of 24 hours.
- Pick your horse’s hooves well. Scrub the hoof thoroughly with Equiderma Neem Shampoo to remove all debris from the area. (*In advanced cases, it may be helpful to consult a skilled farrier to trim the hoof and remove as much infected tissue as possible.)
- Rinse well and towel dry well.
- Apply Equiderma Thrush Treatment and scrub in with a hoof pick brush. Reapply daily until all signs of thrush are gone.
- Mineral oil, Chlorhexidine, Neem Oil, Lavender Essential Oil